Support to Cinema Networks (call EACEA 24/2019)

Il Sottoprogramma MEDIA di Europa Creativa 2014-2020 sostiene con 824 milioni di euro (circa il 56% del budget totale di Europa Creativa) l’industria europea del cinema e dell’audiovisivo nei settori di sviluppo di progetti audiovisivi e videogames, produzione di opere televisive, distribuzione, formazione, promozione.

The general objective of the scheme is to create and operate a network of cinemas with a view to:

  • Encouraging cinema owners and operators to screen a significant proportion of non- national European films.
  • Contributing to raise the interest of the audience for non-national films including through the development of educational and awareness-raising activities for young cinema-goers.
  • Helping those cinemas to adapt their strategy to the changing environment including by promoting innovative approaches in terms of their offer, interaction with the audience and potential partnerships with other players of the film industry.
  • Encouraging exchange of best practice, knowledge sharing and other forms of collaboration amongst members of the network.
  • Contributing to the policy dialogue on the film industry by disseminating the outcome of the activities of the network beyond its members.

Expected results:

  • To increase the screening of non-national European films on the European market.
  • To build new (young) audiences for European films.
  • To reinforce the competitiveness of European cinema theatres.

The scheme will support a network of European cinema owners’ screening a significant proportion of non-national European films.

It is addressed to European cinemas grouped in a network whose activities contribute to the aforementioned objectives.

The applications may envisage provision of financial support to third parties.

Budget available:

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at EUR 10,9 M.Only one beneficiary will be selected and funded.The Financial contribution of the EU cannot exceed 50% of the total eligible costs of the action. The Agency reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available.

Proposals may be submitted by any of the following applicants:

  • non-profit organisation (private or public);
  • public authorities (national, regional, local);
  • international organisations;
  • universities;
  • educational institutions;
  • research centres;
  • profit making entities;
  • natural persons are not eligible except self-employed persons or equivalent (i.e. sole traders) where the company does not possess legal personality separate from that of the natural person.

Termine presentazione domande: 28 Maggio 2020

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