Bando EAC/S53/2019: Music education and learning

This call for proposals serves the implementation of the distinct activity “Music Education and Learning” within the context of the Preparatory action “Music Moves Europe: Boosting European music diversity and talent”

Specific objectives

The proposals should demonstrate their contribution to the general objective by covering the two following specific objectives:

1. Promote the cooperation between non-formal/informal education and the music sector with the aim to foster social inclusion, i.e. access to music for less advantaged children or community involvement;

2. Develop a small-scale project with a clear European added value, that is suitable for the exchange of good practices and could lead to a knowledge transfer for similar projects in other countries.

Expected results

The call intends to support proposals that deliver the following non-exhaustive examples of results and are clearly linked to the objectives:

  • Implementation of at least 8 innovative approaches to informal/non-formal music education and learning to foster social inclusion;
  • Demonstration of best-practice examples on how the cooperation between the education and the music sector on informal/non-formal music education can foster social inclusion, i.e. to allow children to have access to musical education and learning that would otherwise not have this opportunity;
  • Fostering sustainable forms of co-operation (e.g. creation of networks) with a European dimension;
  • Testing ideas for targeted support to music education within the next generation of EU funding programmes after 2020;
  • Contribution to developing ideas for music education as part of a European sectorial approach on music.

Termine presentazione domande: 30 Aprile 2020

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